Website Quality Assurance

Website Quality Assurance

Move forward with the confidence that comes with knowing you’ve gotten it right.

Web design and application development are getting more complicated all the time. But while there’s more to know and do on the Internet than ever before, the key to building or coding a site correctly isn’t in adding complexity, but reducing things to their simplest forms – creating business websites that load quickly and consistently, and programming apps that work the way they’re supposed to in every browser and every instance.

Medora makes it easier than ever for any designer or company to ensure that what they’re about to launch is as stable, accessible, and functional as they hope it will be. By using our website quality assurance service, you gain access to some of the best programmers and developers in the business. It’s the perfect way to make sure your website is as strong as you or your client needs it to be.

Put yourself on the map.

With our search engine optimization audit, we’ll make sure your pages are highly visible to Google, Yahoo, and Bing, as well as make any suggestions for improvements.

Be fast when it counts.

We also perform performance audits, designed to ensure that your pages load quickly every time, without any unnecessary delays.

Optimization for big screens and small ones.

As leaders in mobile web design and development, we can double check your mobile website to ensure that it’s going to load quickly and correctly over a variety of devices and platforms.

Taking ecommerce to the max.

Medora has worked on dozens of ecommerce sites, and has all the tools you need to make sure that shoppers have a worry-free visit to your site.

Stress test your site before it goes live.

Wondering whether your business website will load correctly in Windows, Mac, Linux, and other formats? Don’t worry, we’ll test every one of them for you and fix any problems.

Stay up to date.

Medora will also ensure that your site meets the newest web coding compliance standards, making sure your website will look as good in the years to come as they are now.

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